Friday, August 14, 2009

Wake Up America.

What is America thinking? How could we just sit back and watch the rest of the world starve and die of hunger when we are complaining whether or not we should get Togos or Subway for dinner? How is it that so many of our churches preach the "good news" and when push come to shove never step out of the comfortable air conditioned offices that they have been so used to doing Jesus' work from? Didnt God call us to lay down our lives for a friend because there is no greater love than that? How many of you know someone who would sacrifice everything they had just to see a friend have a decent meal? How is it that this "great" nations leaders are so involved in finding oil in the middle east that they fail to look not even a couple of thousand mile to the east and the west to see little children and whole tribes of people are being persecuted and annihilated for just existing? How is it that we are so focused on who is going out with Britney Spears and whats on our itunes playlists that we miss the whole point of life, this glorious thing that we were made to glorify God? If we are Christs bride and he is our groomsman how ugly of a bride are we? Stained with the shame of selfishness topped with a vail of hypocrisy! It says in the word of God that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, that we are one body under the name of Christ...Do you know that when we all fail to provide to the least of these we are failing to serve Christ? I mean Jesus even told us himself that if we serve the least of these it will be unto him..YET WE MISS THE POINT! Didnt Jesus tell us to lose our lives so we can gain it? How much of your life are you really losing? A couple of half hearted minutes to pray? I dont escape this same conviction but hear my heart in this...we are going down fast. The enemy has put scales on our eyes, deceiving us from our selfishness. I dont know about you but this is a serious problem, one that we cant just sit back and ignore any longer. If one of our brothers or neighbors or people around us falls...we all fall, whether that is in Iran or England or Down your street. WE are all a net, and if there is a hole in the net, everyone is gonna fall through. The bottom line in this is Love..because without that, there would be nothing else..nothing would have purpose..SO seriously ask yourself this question...What can i sacrifice for Christ? Pray about how God can use you to help change this huge problem. None of us can do it alone, but together..we can spread the Love of Christ to all People everywhere.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

He Is.

He is my confidant, my best friend, my savior, and my healer, my everything. He is who I confine in, the shadow when I walk, the air within my lungs, the passion in my soul, the love within my heart, he is my significant other, my love, my hero, my provider, the reason I live, the infinite, the hand upon my shoulder, the tissue to wipe my tears, he is my rock, my Shepard, my master, my king, my trust, my heart, my home, my confidence.

The smile on my face, my concern, my life, my sacrifice, my reverence, my humility, my dreams, my hopes, my faith. He is the thought within my mind, the hands to do the work, the words inside my mouth, the food that I live upon, and water to my soul. He is the wisdom, the peace, the kindness of a friend, the past, present and future. HE is the king of kings, the lamb on the alter, the messiah, he is nature, the moments that take my breath away. He is the voice who keeps me still, the spirit that leads my life, the spring in my step, the laughter, the music, and the truth. HE is the way, the truth, the life, the power, the innocence, the everlasting, the ultimate, my protection, the victory, and the freedom. The release from a bondage, the arms waiting for you at the end of a long journey, the fun, the secrets in our souls, the one who understands, the path to travel on, the narrow, my father, my joy.

He is the one I will run to, the one I will give my life for, the compassion for the nations, the love that brings me home, the sight that makes me cry. HE is my plan, my beauty, my suffering, the grace and mercy I find. He is my morning chat, my teacher, my corrector, my spirit, and my worth, my everything.

All that is, Is what he is.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Stolen Identities.

Today i decided to go on a really long walk. As i was walking i came across someone's doctors appointment card lying wet and crumpled on the ground away from someone's mailbox. I knew that those usually contain a lot of personal information and in this day and age people use your information to steal your identities. They tap into your money and investments and reck havoc on your life. I felt like the lord was telling me to pick up the card so i could properly dispose of it and keep evil far from the persons personal life. But i kept walking, why did i keep on walking? I decided that i would just simply loop back from my walk when i was done and pick up the paper if it was still there. But as i started thinking about that card it came to my mind that I myself have a stolen identity. Colossians 3: 3-4 and 9-11 says:

"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all."

This thought just blew my mind! I died and now my life is hidden in Christ. There is no Courtney Frybarger without Christ. He is the image that has taken me captive and made us one in the same. He has taken my hands and feet and made them his own. He has taken my sins and put them on himself, God only sees Christ's atonement when he looks at me. How amazing is that? Christ took on my lowly, humanly image that is so meager and miniscule to him as God and made it his own. God broke all the rules, we are dirt compared to Holy God. He didnt have to make himself a man, but he did and then died in order that he may live in me. He stole my identity and brought me into his glorious kingdom as an heir and daughter of Christ. He has taken my old identity and thrown it away, i am a new creation bearing the glory of Christ which lives inside of me. This world squabbles over their differences and status but Christ is all and is in all! Can you even wrap your mind around that?! I find myself dumbfounded at the thought that Christ would take everything from me to make me his own. He doesn't get the good end of the deal, i do! That isn't even fair, but that is how great our God is. I bear the image of my Creator, his image and identity is sealed in me. I should have no confidence in my own flesh, but lean solely on the name of Jesus Christ who has taken me captive in him, he has taken my identity, by all means i give it to him. What am i compared to Christ? He wouldn't have kept walking from that doctors appointment card, he wants that persons identity to be one with his. He wants to tap into everything that you are and take it as if it was his very own life. That is the glory of Christ, that he would take the nothingness we have to offer him and make it the same power that he possess. I want to serve that God, i am humbled by that God, My identity has been stolen by that God. So who are you today?