Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Recyled Responsibility.

This day and age seems as if it is piling on the responsibilities of yester year. The all to popular subject of the U.S. deficit has become a peace sucking leach on the minds of the average working American. The previous generations have had to pay the debts of their father's and their father's father's, all the way back to the founding fathers of this nation. Hence, we are all kind of bearing recylced responsiblity. It seems to me that this same concept of economical crashing and scrambling to renew itself and run to the government for all the answers applies to christianity in some odd and cosmic way. In essence when you get saved you crash and burn, you turn from your old ways and the debts of your life (sin) and scramble with every ounce you have in you to turn to your support system, essentially Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit. The reason this way of living has had to be adopted is the fall of man, we are all carrying the recycled responsibility of Adam and Eve's infamous stumble outside the glorious threshold of the Garden of Eden. From that point on, humanity has been seperated in a obviously devistating way. It's amazing to think that God planned out the redemption of man. Our responsibility to repay our debts to God has been wiped clean by the immense suffering of Christ at Calvary. This is where this concept detaches itself from the current world situation, unlike the current debt situation of the world, i dont have to carry the sin of my father or my father's father. Im free, drenched in the glorious freedom of knowing Christ. I do, however, carry the responsibility of showing Christ in everything i do in my life. This is a recycled responsiblitity because millions of Christians just like myself have had to pick up their cross's daily to follow him and i am doing the same, even unto death. Love God and Love people, thats what i have been called to do, and i will pass it on to all people i know and my children and my children's children as a crucial and life sustaining call and responsibility. I dont mind it being recycled though, im humbled by the thought of me being part of this amazing body of Christ. Do you recycle?


  1. My goodness Courtney! This is one of the most profound connections I have read in a long time! I knew you liked to write, but I didn't realize the high level of intellectualism and incredible spiritual insight that would come out of your creativity. Bravo!

    This is an amazing thought. It is enough to chew on for a month. You know this is what the great devotional masters of our faith knew how to do: look at current events and see God's perspective and truth coming out from the midst of them. Actually, this is one of the types of meditation I recently read about, where you basically meditate with scripture in one hand and a newspaper in the other (figuratively at times). You allow God to speak to you through current world issues as if they are parables like Jesus used in His teachings. Thank you for sharing this challenging thought!

    And in relation to the content of the blog:
    What a blessing it is to only have the "burden" of recycling God's love and grace to this world. If we could all see this in light of our economic times it would impact us so much more. God's economy is one that is both fair and extremely unfair (yet we as His disciples benefit from both sides). It is fair (according to our human standpoint) because he upholds justice for his people and he doesn't place unwarranted debt from previous generations upon our shoulders. It is unfair (in the cosmic perspective) because we shouldn't be treated so well in light of our sinful nature. But as you said our being drenched by the cleansing blood of Christ forever erases what debt we do owe God. The key is to try to live this out day-to-day. What freedom we have!

  2. thank you so much. Its encouraging that you read it alone but the words..WHEW! Its just so incredible what God is doing in my life right now and writing is how i express it. I also thought a lot about how to meditat, i mean i have been doing it for quite sometime now but its so refreshing to renew the thought ya know?

    Ive been thinking about God and how his mercy is renewed each morning and this led me to think about the Cross and how for eternity i get to be in heaven with my creator when i did ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING to deserve this fact. WHAT a priveledge that i can love him through whatver comes and know that his love will always be tangible for me to latch onto! AMAZING.
