Monday, April 27, 2009

If you will live for anything, then will you die for nothing?

Its 12:16 am and im sitting here in my kitchen quite alone besides the hum of my refridgerator and the ticking of the clock. Looking at the clock reminds me that time is forever slipping away on this earth, which also means that its counting down to the glorious reappearing of my lord Jesus Christ. My heart is gripped with the burden of the lost. Their souls wander this earth with no cause, no ground sense of purpose, no hope to call their own. If they will live for anything, then does that mean they will die for nothing?

I cant imagine a life where every day is filled with a desperate jump from one crumbling foundation to another. Whether it be drugs or finding fulfillment in a relationship, or even things that arent frowned upon in society such as security in money or education! How is it that we of little faith put our trust in things that are so trivial and temporary. Just imagine if we could see the whole picture, if we had eyes with an eternal perspective. Would your life change? I certainly know mine would. I would stop living for anything. Jumping from earthly comfort to more earthly comfort. I would stop finding rest in my job, bank account and social status and start looking at the big picture.

Then comes the question of what you die for. Throughout our world today people die for things everyday. Some die for their country, some die for their religions and some just die because THEY want to. Think of it this way, what if WHAT we died for was revolutionized? What if our death had so much more purpose that our birth? If every single step, action, breath, thought, movement and resource was put into motion for the purpose of our death. In other words, we lived to die. We had the eyes and heart of God that focus on whats to come, not what has been or is now. We would live not for anything but for Jesus Christ and his call and also died not for nothing but for the glory and honor of our God in heaven.

Just stop and reflect upon what you live for and possibly what you are going to die for. If what you are living for is not soley for the glory of Jesus Christ and you profess to follow him, take a second look at your decision. Then turn to your death, will it be the most amazing day of your existence? Or will it be hopless and empty and a remorseful occasion. Choose who you live for. Choose who you die for.

Hebrews 2:8-10

"In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him. 9But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.
10In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering."

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