Thursday, July 9, 2009

Why does my prayer time smell like Febrez?

The other day i sprayed my carpets with Febrez to freshen up the smell in my room. Now, that being said, my prayer time should absolutely smell like Febrez because of the fact of my face being so close to the ground when i pray. Lately my life has required me to pray for things whole heartedly, surrendered to my saviour. The best way for me to give everything up when i pray is to physically be in the position of vulnerability. Bowing before your king and begging him to change things in your life is amazingly powerful. Could you imagine the honor you would feel if someone you loved came to you on their face and begged you to be with them and help them through something? Would you reject them or show immense compassion to their gesture? This fact tugs at my heart, i think that so many of us (including myself!) have lost the beauty of complete surrender. In every other country in the world, bowing before royalty is essential. It shows them that their country respects them and honors them, why wouldnt we do that for Jesus Christ? A royalty so amazing the world has never had another one like him. So today i simply put out for not only me, but whoever reads this to pray on your knees to win the battles in your lives, there is not better way to win a fight against the enemy. So choose your favorite scent of Febrez and get to it, the king is waiting for you.

1 comment:

  1. The gratest battles are fought not on our feet but on our knees. Laying prostrate before the Lord is where i love to be
